FairLötet in English

Fair electronics are possible!
We know consumer goods that are manufactured under fair conditions from the food and clothing sectors, but not from the electronics industry. The situation with electronics is way more complex. It is a long way from the mine to the device. However, that should not stop us from taking the first steps.



FairLötet is committed to social justice in the globalised supply chains of the electronics industry.

For manufacturers of electronic devices, inaction is no longer a valid option: this is shown by the many social problems as well as the legal development towards increased due diligence.

We demand that manufacturers take responsibility for the entire supply chain of their globally produced electronic products.

For us, „Fair production“ means that people involved in mining and production work with respect for human rights and at a wage that ensures their livelihood. The aim is to also protect ecosystems.

However, fair business is not just about the product and not just about the workers who create it. It is also about distributing resources and the proceeds from production and trade in such a way that people in countries that are rich in natural resources but are among the poorest in the world have a chance of education and development.


We support companies, educate and sensitize the public.

While there is no such thing as a completely fair electronic product, targeted improvements in the supply chain can already achieve a great deal.

One example is the solder wire produced under fair conditions, a cooperation between FairLötet and Stannol.

Step by step, new sources of supply are opened up and initiatives for fair-supported raw materials are founded. On this basis, other companies can follow suit and show that they are aware of their responsibility towards the producers and suppliers of their products.

Transparency as the first step towards fairness helps consumers to choose fair alternatives.

In addition to internationally binding laws, it is existing fair alternatives that show other companies and politicians that fairer electronics production is possible.

If companies decide to have more fairness in their products, we are happy to help out with information or even cooperation.

In addition, FairLötet educates and informs at trade fairs, conferences and lectures on the subject of fair electronics in order to sensitize consumers, founders, employees, multipliers and learners and encourage them to get involved.

Project X

The fair computer mouse Nager IT, Fairphone and Stannol show that fair electronics are possible. Now we are looking for your idea for the next fair electronics project.

The team of FairLötet was founded from the idea to get a raw material from the supply chain of the fair computer mouse of Nager IT from a fairer source.

So if YOU are working on a concrete product and have an idea which raw material should come from fairer sources and want to work on the implementation or if you have an idea for an educational project, please contact us!

In addition to the search for a new product, some members of our organisation are currently working on software products that aim to support and grade fair products. More on that soon!